
Bullying policy


This policy document covers all operations of Slippurinn. It is Slippurinn’s policy that employee interactions are always characterized by courtesy, respect, and helpfulness. The same values apply to interactions with Slippurinn's clients. Employees are to be protected from mental and physical harassment; under no circumstances is harassment tolerated within the company's workplaces. Complicity in bullying by employees is strongly condemned.


Managers are responsible not only for the work of their staff but also for ensuring that fundamental workplace communication principles are respected. New employees are introduced to the company’s policies and action plan for handling bullying issues at the start of their employment.

Bullying in the Workplace

Workplaces may experience conflicts and clashes of interest that can cause discomfort. It is crucial to resolve such issues promptly before they escalate.

Slippurinn’s definitions of bullying and sexual harassment align with regulation no. 1000/2004.


The company will take action against employees who engage in bullying, such as issuing warnings, reassigning roles, or termination. Severe incidents may be reported in consultation with the affected party. Perpetrators of bullying will be held accountable.


Employees who experience or are aware of bullying or sexual harassment should immediately contact the CEO, quality manager of Slippurinn, or their immediate supervisor to report the incident. These individuals will ensure full confidentiality for the affected person.

When managers become aware of bullying, they are required to follow the response plan below:

  1. Assess the immediate support needs of the affected person and provide assistance promptly.
  2. Emphasize resolving the issue as soon as possible to prevent further bullying.
  3. Evaluate the working conditions.
  4. Take appropriate measures.
  5. Ensure that bullying does not recur in the workplace.

The individual contacted will then determine, in consultation with the affected person, the next steps. Options include informal or formal proceedings.

Informal Proceedings

Informal proceedings involve seeking information from the affected person and providing support through a confidential conversation or counseling. Others in the workplace are not informed of the issue.

Formal Proceedings

A neutral investigation of the incident is conducted. The affected person, perpetrator, and any witnesses are interviewed. It is essential to gather information about the timing and collect any relevant documentation, such as emails, text messages, or other records.

A solution will be found, which may involve adjustments to the workplace, work practices, or work organization. The perpetrator will receive guidance and a warning or may be reassigned.

The case will be monitored, and follow-up discussions will occur with the involved parties after a specified period. The communications between the parties will also be observed.

If the perpetrator does not change their behavior and continues the bullying, this will lead to their dismissal from the position.

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